How Will SQL 2012 Integrate With Hadoop?
Microsoft intends to integrate Hadoop's "Big Data" capabilities into SQL 2012 before mid-2012. Microsoft hopes Hadoop's ability to process large, unstructured data sets that are too big for traditional methods (such as SQL2012) will allow SQL 2012 to manage all types of data whether it is stored in one database or on dozens of computer clusters. Microsoft is convinced that the integration of both databases management systems will help to address their weaknesses while also giving customers an incentive to buy SQL 2012. SQL 2012 is an RDBMS (relational database management system) that uses tables to store, present and show data. It can also be used to display relationships between data sets. It is designed to be used to analyse homogeneous information on a small to medium scale. SQL 2012's table display fails when used with discordant data. SQL's implementation and interface are still viewed by many as being more user-friendly than Hadoop's MapRed...